Saturday, February 12, 2011

Don't Say Cheese! - salt lake city children's photographer

In a session with me you will probably never hear the words "say cheese"...
unless you say them...or if I am saying them to prove a point.

I prefer to capture your natural smile, expression and emotion, 
than the rehearsed smile that you practice in front of the mirror or 
the canned smile you get from your kids every time you pull out the camera.

The older the subject is, the harder it is to break through to the natural smile, expression and emotion,
and this handsome guy was no exception. I can't say I blame him...
being in front of the camera is certainly not the most comfortable place to be.
But I am so glad we got through all the cheesy silliness, talking in accents, and knock knock jokes
so that we could capture this...

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Real, honest, expression!
Is he a handsome valentine or what?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! A. is sure looking handsome. He looks like quite the ladies man, (which I happen to know he is). Awesome pic.
