this was the session that just wasn't meant to be...
scheduling conflicts,
leaves that didn't change colors,
and a brother getting hit by a car and taken to the ER the morning of our session
(I am told that all is well with him now, just a little sore...don't want you to worry)!
...but I am so glad we made it happen anyway!
The Wood family is so dear to me.
I can call them in a pinch and I know that they will be there to help.
If my kids are getting restless being cooped up with Mom all day,
I can call them and a playdate/lunchdate/mommy break materializes!
If I am feeling like the whole mom job is way to hard,
she is there to commisserate with me and listen to me whine!
So, it is no wonder that it was a fun session...
it was just hanging out with dear friends!
two spunky girls
(and I think these two might even like each other)
and two fabulous parents
having lots of fun together
Dancing with dad...
laughing with mom...
Love them all!